Our Special Friends

Promoting, preserving and providing the power of animal companionship

Our Special Friends helps people continue to benefit from animal companionship by providing physical and emotional support during illness, bereavement or other crises. Our current geographical focus is Suffolk but we do have cases in adjacent areas and are keen to expand as funding allows.

Give Help

Many thanks to everyone who has already helped us in a variety of ways, donating their time, expertise or money. Our work is not possible without your vital and valued support. 


In addition to volunteers, we always need funds to help us cover emergency veterinary care, volunteer expenses and other essential running costs. 

Make a donation


Are you good at organising events, getting together with friends or setting a personal challenge? See how you could help us raise vital funds when you do. 

Fundraising ideas


We simply can’t do our work without the help of our wonderful volunteers. Some give their time on a regular weekly basis while others help out when they can. 

Volunteer for us

Get Help

If you need our help please fill out our Referring Yourself Form 

If you know of someone who might benefit from our animal companionship support services, please fill out our Referring Someone Else Form. 

An Introduction to Our Special Friends

Our Special Friends (OSF) is an innovative, grassroots charity supporting people who are experiencing difficulty and where ownership of a pet, or contact with an animal, is crucial to enable them to cope.

Click here to read more

Latest News

New Patron and Trustees will boost our growth


Click here to read the full article

New Patron and Trustees will boost our growth

Marc Abraham

Annual Report

We are delighted to publish our 2023-2024 Annual Report.