CASE STUDY – A Collaboration in the Community and Reuniting a lost dog with their owner
Case Summary
Lady with learning disabilities, who receives dog walking care and advocacy from OSF, contacted us via her home carers, Manor Court Homecare, as she had found a little elderly dog in the garden and had put her in her kitchen for safety. The little dog, Remy was a 16-year-old, deaf mongrel and as it was a particularly cold evening her owners were very anxious.
Intervention – collaboration/lost dog reunited with owners
OSF were there within 30 minutes. With the aid of a local Volunteer’s wifi, we were able to use our Pet-ID Microchip scanner to track the microchip details using Chipworks. Although both the house number and the telephone number had not been updated we were still able to identify the owner of the dog.
Outcome: Through the collaboration of the carers, who thankfully knew of OSF, and local volunteers the dog and owners were reunited. All were very relieved and grateful. It was a very cold evening and we are thrilled that they were together again.